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It is illegal to kill a dog using a decompression chamber.
DOG LAW OF 1919 Act 339 of 1919 287.279a Killing dog or other animal; use of high altitude decompression chamber or electrocution prohibited. [M.S.A.12.529(1) ] Sec. 19a. An animal control officer or other person killing a dog or other animal pursuant to the laws of this state shall not use a high altitude decompression chamber…
Destin law states that a cat that viciously chases passers-by is a “bad cat”.
Sec. 4-8. Bad dog; bad cat. (a) It shall be unlawful and a civil infraction for the owner or custodian of any dog or cat to permit it to bite, inflict injury upon, or otherwise attack a person or another animal without provocation. Any dog or cat which attacks and bites a person or another…