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Persons may not appear in public clothed in liquid latex.
Sec. 38-61. Definitions. Nude means any person insufficiently clothed in any manner so that any of the following body parts are not entirely covered with a fully opaque covering: (1) The male or female genitals. (2) The male or female pubic area. (3) The female breast. (4) The buttocks. Body paint, body dyes, tattoos, liquid…
Committing a misdemeanor while wearing a red mask makes it a felony.
This goes back to the days of the Wild West! Could it be one of the earliest attempts to outlaw “gang” symbols?!?
The wearing of suspenders is prohibited by city ordinance. Women can be fined up to $500 – Men up to to $2000.
This law is from Nogales, AZ. I wonder if someone’s brother owned a belt factory nearby? If so, this could be an early form of crony capitalism!