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Sexually oriented businesses may not open for business on Sundays.
Sec. 12-106. Hours of operation. No sexually oriented business shall open to do business before 10:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday or remain open after 12:00 midnight Monday through Saturday. No sexually oriented business shall open for business on a Sunday. This subsection shall not apply to an adult motel, nor to a business whose hours…
Couples must wait at least 72 hours to be married unless the man has raped the woman
Say a man and woman want to get married in New Jersey. They’ll have to wait at least 72 hours. Unless, that is, the man was arrested for “bastardy, rape, fornication or of having had carnal knowledge of an unmarried female, and the accused person consents to marry such female.” In that case, officials can…
In Canada, it’s now legal to engage in oral sex with your pet.
Reported here, Canada’s Supreme Court has legalized oral sex with pets as long as no penetration is involved.
A political action committee, or PAC, has to have a name that describes the group’s cause or purpose.
The idea is to prohibit, say, the highway or tobacco lobbies from calling themselves “Citizens for Good Government.”