It is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church.

Section 13A-12-1 Certain acts prohibited on Sunday. Any person who compels his child, apprentice or servant to perform any labor on Sunday, except the customary domestic duties of daily necessity or comfort, or works of charity or who engages in shooting, hunting, gaming, card playing or racing on that day, or who, being a merchant…

Snowball fights are illegal

Section 15.04.210 Unlawful to throw stones, snowballs or discharge guns and other missiles. It shall be unlawful for any person to throw any stone, snowball or other missile, or discharge any bow, blowgun, slingshot, gun, catapult, or other device, upon or at any vehicle, building, or other public or private property, or upon or at…

Any common piper or fiddler, juggler or magician may be sentenced to jail (Repealed)

Chapter 116 § 2 Sec 2. All rogues, vagabonds, lewd, idle or disorderly persons; any person going about begging; any person using any subtle craft, juggling, or unlawful game or play; any person pretending to have knowledge in physiognomy or palmistry; any person pretending for money to tell destinies or fortunes, or discover by any…