It is illegal to cause a catastrophe.
76-6-105. Causing a catastrophe. (1) Any person who by explosion, fire, flood, avalanche, collapse of a building, release of poison gas, radioactive material, or other harmful or destructive force or substance, or by any other means, causes a widespread injury or damage to persons or property is guilty of causing a catastrophe. (2) Causing a…
Boxing matches that allow biting are not allowed.
76-9-705. Participation in an ultimate fighting match. (1) For purposes of this section, “ultimate fighting match” means a live match in which: (a) an admission fee is charged; (b) match rules permit professional contestants to use a combination of boxing, kicking, wrestling, hitting, punching, or other combative, contact techniques; and (c) match rules do not:…
Individuals may not possess beer in containers larger than two liters unless they are a retailer.
32A-12-206. Unlawful sale or supply of beer. (1) A person may not sell, offer to sell, or otherwise furnish or supply beer to the general public in containers larger than two liters. This does not preclude licensed beer wholesalers from selling, offering to sell, or otherwise furnishing or supplying beer in containers larger than two…
Alcohol may not be sold during an emergency.
32A-12-207. Unlawful sale or supply during emergency. (1) A person may not sell, offer to sell, or otherwise furnish or supply any alcoholic product in an area during a period of emergency proclaimed by the governor to exist in the area. (2) This section does not apply if, in the judgment of the governor, the…
Homosexual behavior is a misdemeanor offense.
21.06. Homosexual Conduct (a) A person commits an offense if he engages in deviate sexual intercourse with another individual of the same sex. (b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor. A recent Supreme Court ruling overturned this law in 2003. That case affected numerous other states with laws still on the…