Railroad companies may be held liable in some instances for scaring horses.

Title 58 – Public Utilities, Services and Carriers CHAPTER 17. THE GENERAL RAILROAD LAW ARTICLE 27. SAFETY; NOTICE OF ACCIDENTS SECTION 58-17-3360. Electric hand lanterns shall be used in switching and moving trains. All railroad carriers shall equip trainmen in their employ engaged in switching and train movements in intrastate commerce in this State with…

An exception to the no work on Sunday law is that light bulbs may be sold.

Title 53 – Sundays, Holidays and Other Special Days CHAPTER 1. SECTION 53-1-50. Exceptions to prohibition on Sunday work. Section 53-1-40 does not apply to the following: (1) The sale of food needs, ice, or soft drinks. (2) The sale of tobacco and related products. (3) The operation of radio or television stations nor to…