Australia If you are to advertise a reward for the finding of a certain lost object, you must state no questions will be asked. (Crimes Act 1958) By
Australia If you can be heard by someone while singing an obscene song, you’ll be in trouble. (Summary Offences Act 1966) By
Australia You may not fly kites or play games in public that annoy other people. (Summary Offences Act 1966) By
Australia Being near or in a house that is regularly used by thieves can get you arrested. (Vagrancy Act 1966) By
Melbourne Its an offence to drive a dog or goat harnessed or attached to a vehicle in a public place. (Summary Offences Act 1966) By
Australia It is illegal to read someone’s tarot, or give them a psychic reading as these are forms of witchcraft (Repealed, 2005) By