Persons may not change clothes in a gas station without permission of the owner.

Sec. 5-13. Changing clothes in public lavatories, etc. It shall be unlawful for any person to undress or to put on a bathing suit, change from a bathing suit to normal clothes or change from normal clothes to a bathing suit in any public lavatory or toilet room in the city without obtaining permission or…

One commits a nuisance if he or she leaves a large amount of trash in their own vehicle.

Sec. 9-1-113. Conditions affording food or harborage for rats. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to place, leave, dump or permit to accumulate any garbage, rubbish or trash in any building, vehicle and their surrounding areas in the town so that the same shall or may afford food or harborage for rats. Any…

Sexually oriented businesses may not open for business on Sundays.

Sec. 12-106. Hours of operation. No sexually oriented business shall open to do business before 10:00 a.m. Monday through Saturday or remain open after 12:00 midnight Monday through Saturday. No sexually oriented business shall open for business on a Sunday. This subsection shall not apply to an adult motel, nor to a business whose hours…