No one may use a ‘funk ball’ within the city limits.
Sec. 39-81. Stink or funk balls. It shall be unlawful to sell, dispose of, give away or use within the city or its police jurisdiction articles known as stink balls or funk balls or anything of like nature, by whatever name known or called, the purpose of which is to create disagreeable odors to the…
No person within the city may possess confetti.
Sec. 39-77. Use, sale, etc., of confetti. It shall be unlawful and an offense against the city for any person to have in possession, keep, store, use, manufacture, sell, offer for sale, give away or handle any confetti or other substance or matters similar thereto, but not serpentine, within the city or within its police…
It is illegal to show movies or attend a car race on Sundays.
Repealed in the 1970s