A law from the early 1900’s prohibits men from going topless on the Boardwalk.
Sec. 13-64. Wading, throwing trash in City fountains and pools. (a) A person may not wade or otherwise immerse any part of his body in any City-owned fountain or pool, except in pools constructed, operated and maintained for the purpose of swimming. (b) A person may not throw or otherwise deposit in any way any…
Sec. 13-58. Removing or defacing buildings, fences; violation of section declared misdemeanor. A person may not deface, or injure or remove any fence, gate, railing, porch, building, or other structure upon public land, by writing, cutting or in any other manner within the corporate limits of the City. Any person who violates this section is…
Sec. 13-53. Profanity; violation of section declared misdemeanor. (a) A person may not profanely curse and swear or use obscene language upon or near any street, sidewalk or highway within the hearing of persons passing by, upon or along such street, sidewalk or highway. (b) A person may not act in a disorderly manner by…
Sec. 15-53. Throwing stones or other objects; engaging in dangerous games. No person shall knock or throw any stones or other missiles into or upon any public park or playground of the city or engage in any games or play likely to be dangerous to persons visiting therein. (Code 1966, § 20-8)
Sec. 15-52. Improper language or behavior. No person shall use any profane or indecent language or behave in an offensive manner in any public park or playground of the city or upon the sidewalks adjoining any public park or playground. (Code 1966, § 20-7)