Condoms may not be thrown from parade floats during Mardi Gras.

Sec. 34-28. Prohibited throws. (a) No Mardi Gras parade participant, while participating in a parade on the parade route, in a parade staging area or in a parade disbanding area, shall possess or have in his custody or control any of the following: (1) Any life-threatening objects or safety-threatening objects, including, but not limited to…

It is illegal to practice voodoo in the city limits.

Sec. 54-312. Fortunetelling. It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise for or engage in, for a monied consideration, the business of (chronology, phrenology, astrology, palmistry), telling or pretending to tell fortunes, either with cards, hands, water, letters or other devices or methods, or to hold out inducements, either through the press or otherwise,…

City commission members may not drink during a public meeting or risk a $50 fine.

Sec. 54-409. Drinking during public meetings. (a) It shall be unlawful for councilmembers, board or commission members, directors, and employees of the city, or any other person, to consume alcoholic beverages in the council chamber or any other public meeting room or facility owned, rented or leased by the city during any public meeting as…

One may not host a game of marbles at Lafayette Square unless he or she first obtains a written permit from the parkway and park commission.

Sec. 106-170. Permit required for game or meeting in Lafayette Square. It shall be unlawful to hold or conduct any baseball game, football game, game of skill or games of any kind or public meeting of any kind in Lafayette Square without first obtaining a written permit from the parkway and park commission. (Code 1956,…