To swim in any pond in the city, one must wear a “suitable bathing suit”.

Sec. 14-9. Bathing in public; suits required when. It shall be unlawful for any one to bathe in any pond or branch within the corporate limits of the city between daylight and dark unless provided with suitable bathing suits, and no person shall bathe in the river anywhere between the north limits of the city…

Crosses may be burned on someone else’s property, so long as you have their permission.

Sec. 14-12. Cross, symbol, etc.; burning, placing, painting; consent required. (a) Burning, on private property. It shall be unlawful for any persons to set fire to or burn, or attempt to set fire to or burn, or assist in setting fire to or burning, any cross, symbol or emblem upon private property owned or occupied…

No one may tease an idiot.

Sec. 14-34. Idiots, etc.; teasing, harassing. It shall be unlawful and disorderly conduct for any person to tease or harass, either by words, signs or acts, on the streets or public places in the city any simple minded, idiotic, or crazy person, or any cripple, or other unfortunate person, and it is hereby made the…