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Persons may not spit on the steps of the opera house.
6-1D-2: EXPECTORATING ON SIDEWALKS OR IN PUBLIC BUILDINGS: It is unlawful for any person to spit or expectorate upon any of the public sidewalks, crosswalks, passes, byways or paths in the city, or upon the floor or steps of the public building, store, hotel, church, opera house, office room, schoolhouse or any other building in…
All sex toys are banned.
Chitwood, Tim. “Toying With Issues”. Columbus Ledger-Enquirer. 16 Oct. 2002. —— In 1968 a Fulton-county resident was convicted under this law, despite the fact that the Fulton County jury publicly stated that the law was “archaic” and noted such gadgets can have therapeutic value.
Spitting on sidewalks is expressly forbidden.
Sec. 54-134. Expectorating, urinating, defecating. It shall be unlawful for any person to expectorate, urinate or defecate on any public street, alley, sidewalk or floor of any public building, or any other place not intended or designated for such purpose where the public gathers or has access. (Code 1981, § 15-69)