One may not leave sand in their own driveway.
15-3 Depositing certain items on public or private property prohibited. No person shall place, deposit, throw or dump, or cause to be placed, deposited, thrown or dumped, any garbage, swill, cans, bottles, papers, ashes, dirt, sand, rock, cement, glass, metal, carcass of any dead animal, offal, refuse, plants, cuttings or trash or rubbish of any…
Males may not dress as a female unless a special permit is obtained from the sheriff.
17-31 Male dressing as female. No man or boy shall dress as a girl or woman without a permit from the sheriff, except for the purpose of amusement, show or drama. (Code 1959, § 4237.1)
Persons may not pick flowers from the city parks.
17-25 Flowers–Picking in parks, etc. No person shall pick any flower or flowers growing in any public park or place in the city, except by the express authorization of the superintendent thereof. (Code 1959, § 4240)
Children may not wear a Halloween mask unless they get a special permit from the sheriff.
17-32 Mask or disguise–Wearing. No person shall wear a mask or disguise on a public street without a permit from the sheriff. (Code 1959, § 4237.2)
Kites may not be flown above 10 feet over the ground.
17-1 Kite flying restricted. It shall be unlawful for any person to fly, above an altitude of ten feet above the ground, or near any electrical conductive public utility wires or facilities, any kite or balloon which has a body or any parts, tail, string or ribbon made of any metallic or electrical conductive material….
Ice cream men must obtain a license before selling any ice cream from their car.
10-1 Use of vehicles for commercial advertising. No person at any time shall operate, drive or park or cause to be operated, driven or parked upon any street alley parkway, sidewalk or public property within the city, without first obtaining written permission therefor from the city clerk, any advertising vehicle, sound truck or commercial vehicle…
Before a business may have a “going out of business sale”, they must obtain a special permit from the city manager.
Sec. 5-4.01. Permits: Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise, represent, or hold out that any sale of goods, wares, or merchandise is an insurance, bankruptcy, liquidation, mortgage, insolvent’s, assignee’s, executor’s, administrator’s, receiver’s, removal, or closing-out sale, or any particular department of such stock of goods, wares, or merchandise, under the guise…