Ice cream men must obtain a license before selling any ice cream from their car.

10-1 Use of vehicles for commercial advertising. No person at any time shall operate, drive or park or cause to be operated, driven or parked upon any street alley parkway, sidewalk or public property within the city, without first obtaining written permission therefor from the city clerk, any advertising vehicle, sound truck or commercial vehicle…

Before a business may have a “going out of business sale”, they must obtain a special permit from the city manager.

Sec. 5-4.01. Permits: Required. It shall be unlawful for any person to advertise, represent, or hold out that any sale of goods, wares, or merchandise is an insurance, bankruptcy, liquidation, mortgage, insolvent’s, assignee’s, executor’s, administrator’s, receiver’s, removal, or closing-out sale, or any particular department of such stock of goods, wares, or merchandise, under the guise…