It is illegal to read peoples palms in the city limits.
62.25 FORTUNE TELLING. No person shall tell fortunes or practice phrenology, palmistry or clairvoyancy in the city.
Liquor stores may not place advertisements for beer outside the store.
Sec. 5 1/2-20. Beer Brand Signs Prohibited No signs or other matter advertising any brand of beer shall be erected or placed upon the outside of any premises occupied by a licensee or permittee authorized to sell beer at retail. All such signs formerly erected shall be removed by the owner of same by July…
A person must get a referral from a licensed physician if he or she wishes to see a hypnotist unless the desired procedure is to quit smoking or lose weight.
IC 25-20.5-1-23 Sec. 23. (a) Except as provided in section 1 of this chapter, an individual who is certified under this article may not treat or perform a procedure on an individual for a medical, dental, or psychological problem without a referral from a licensed physician, psychologist, or dentist. Medical, dental, or psychological problems include:…