Erotic dancing is prohibited on Sundays.
Section 4.2.1 Erotic dance establishment regulations. No person, firm, partnership, corporation or other entity shall advertise or cause to be advertised an erotic dance establishment to be located in the City of Roswell without a valid adult business license issued pursuant to this chapter. No later than March 1 of each year, an erotic dance…
Cars may not be driven through playgrounds.
Sec. 15-1. Motor vehicles restricted. No motorized vehicles of any type shall be allowed on public parks, playgrounds, or school areas under the supervision of the department of parks and recreation unless the person operating such vehicle shall have first received written permission from the director of parks and recreation, with the exception of motorized…
It is illegal to play catch in any city street.
Sec. 14-6. Ballplaying. It shall be unlawful for any person to play ball by throwing, catching, pitching or batting a ball on any public street, alley or sidewalk of the city.
Persons may not wear hoods in public.
Sec. 14-3. Wearing masks, hoods in public places. It shall be unlawful for any person to be and appear on any of the public streets of the city or in any of the public places of the city wearing a mask, hood or other apparel or regalia in such manner as to conceal his identity,…
A person must obtain a permit to spread rat poison.
Sec. 5-2. Putting out poison. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to scatter or put out or otherwise distribute on his premises within the city any poison in any form or manner whatsoever which is or may likely be sufficiently lethal or of such strength as to cause death to any animal or…
Rocks may not be thrown at birds.
Sec. 5-1. Molesting birds. The city is hereby declared a bird sanctuary and no person shall hunt, kill, trap or decoy birds or rob their nests of eggs or young in the city. It shall also be unlawful for any person to shoot at or shoot birds with a gun, pistol, “BB” gun, air rifle,…
One may not place a dead bird on a neighbor’s lawn.
Sec. 11-3-7 Dead animals; disposition. No person shall place any dead animal upon his premises or upon the premises of any other person, or allow any dead animal to remain upon his premises or permit any dead animal belonging to the person to remain upon the premises of another without disposing of same or causing…