No one may tease an idiot.

Sec. 14-34. Idiots, etc.; teasing, harassing. It shall be unlawful and disorderly conduct for any person to tease or harass, either by words, signs or acts, on the streets or public places in the city any simple minded, idiotic, or crazy person, or any cripple, or other unfortunate person, and it is hereby made the…

Model airplanes may be flown so long as they stay on either private property or city property adjacent to the county morgue.

Sec. 14-44.1. Model airplanes, unlawful to fly except in designated areas. It shall be unlawful to fly within the city limits of Columbus, Georgia, model airplanes that are propelled by gasoline engines, except in the following described area: (a) Privately owned property where the flight of such planes is confined within the boundary line of…