No person shall drop objects from an airplane.
Sec. 20-9. Dropping from aircraft.
No person in an aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the city any litter, handbill or any other object.
Sec. 20-9. Dropping from aircraft.
No person in an aircraft shall throw out, drop or deposit within the city any litter, handbill or any other object.
Sec. 6-20. Miscellaneous provisions. (e) Conduct at special events. Offensive language, gestures, reckless driving or unruly conduct will not be tolerated at an event. Applicants are responsible for the actions of all spectators, visitors, guests, participants, or invitees to a special event.
Sec. 26-4. Alcoholic beverages. It shall be unlawful for any person to consume, carry or bring any alcoholic beverage in or upon any park or playground in the city without a written permit from the director of parks and recreation.
Sec. 8-11. Landing aircraft on beaches. It shall be unlawful for any person to land or take off or operate any aircraft on the beach and what is commonly known as Seawall Boulevard except at heliports designated and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration.
Sec. 9-4. Speed. No person shall operate a bicycle at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing.
Sec. 24-17. Impeding sidewalk. It shall be unlawful for a person to stand or sit on a city sidewalk or city right-of-way so as to impede, physically or by intimidation, free and uninterrupted pedestrian passage. A violation of this section shall be a class C misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punishable by a fine…