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Every head of household must possess a firearm of some kind.
On May 1, 1982 the city passed an ordinance [Sec 34-1a] requiring every head of household to maintain a firearm together with ammunition. It was passed partly in response to a 1981 handgun ban in Morton Grove, Illinois. Kennesaw’s law was amended in 1983 to exempt those who conscientiously object to owning a firearm, convicted…
No one may practice the business of tattooing on Sunday.
Sec. 14-60.3. Same–Prohibited on Sunday or Sabbath days. It shall be unlawful for any person, individual or firm to conduct the business of tattooing or marking or coloring the skin by pricking in coloring matter so as to form marks or figures or scars on any portion of the body of any individual on Sunday…
The term “sadomasochistic abuse” is defined so broadly, that it could possibly be applied to a person handcuffing another in a clown suit.
16-12-100.1. (6) ‘Sadomasochistic abuse’ means flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude or clad in undergarments or in revealing or bizarre costume or the condition of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained on the part of one so clothed.
Goldfish may not be given away to entice someone to enter a game of bingo.
Sec. 4-1-9. Animal giveaway. No person in Athens-Clarke County shall give away any live animal, fish, reptile or bird as a prize for, or as an inducement to enter, any contest, game, or other competition, or as an inducement to enter a place of amusement, or offer such animal as an incentive to enter into…
All citizens must own a rake.
Acworth passed this law in jest, after a nearby city (Kennesaw) passed the same law.