Sleds may not be coasted down streets.
ARTICLE VIII STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC WAYS SECTION 2. No person shall use a vehicle or a sled for coasting in or upon the roadway of any public way in the Town.
ARTICLE VIII STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC WAYS SECTION 2. No person shall use a vehicle or a sled for coasting in or upon the roadway of any public way in the Town.
Sec. 13-64. Wading, throwing trash in City fountains and pools. (a) A person may not wade or otherwise immerse any part of his body in any City-owned fountain or pool, except in pools constructed, operated and maintained for the purpose of swimming. (b) A person may not throw or otherwise deposit in any way any…
Sec. 15-53. Throwing stones or other objects; engaging in dangerous games. No person shall knock or throw any stones or other missiles into or upon any public park or playground of the city or engage in any games or play likely to be dangerous to persons visiting therein. (Code 1966, § 20-8)
Sec. 62-58. Riding bicycles, skating on sidewalks prohibited; penalty. (a) No person shall ride a bicycle upon any public sidewalk in the city. No person shall skate on any sidewalk in the city. (b) Whoever violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this section may be punished by a fine of…
Sec. 106-170. Permit required for game or meeting in Lafayette Square. It shall be unlawful to hold or conduct any baseball game, football game, game of skill or games of any kind or public meeting of any kind in Lafayette Square without first obtaining a written permit from the parkway and park commission. (Code 1956,…
Sec. 14-6. Ballplaying. It shall be unlawful for any person to play ball by throwing, catching, pitching or batting a ball on any public street, alley or sidewalk of the city.
Sec. 3-8-3. Age and time restrictions. (a) Use of amusement machines by persons under the age of 16 years shall not be permitted during normal school hours on any day Clarke County schools are in session. (b) No person under the age of 16 years shall be allowed to operate any amusement machine after the…
Sec. 4-1-9. Animal giveaway. No person in Athens-Clarke County shall give away any live animal, fish, reptile or bird as a prize for, or as an inducement to enter, any contest, game, or other competition, or as an inducement to enter a place of amusement, or offer such animal as an incentive to enter into…
SECTION 20-7-8915. Playing pinball machines. It is unlawful for a minor under the age of eighteen to play a pinball machine.