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It is illegal for an owner of a store to allow another person to pass out free ducklings in front of the store.
Sec. 4-12. Sale or giveaway of certain animals. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer for sale, or give away in the city baby chickens, ducklings or other fowl under four (4) weeks of age, or rabbits under eight (8) weeks of age, to be used as pets, toys or retail…
Crosses may be burned on someone else’s property, so long as you have their permission.
Sec. 14-12. Cross, symbol, etc.; burning, placing, painting; consent required. (a) Burning, on private property. It shall be unlawful for any persons to set fire to or burn, or attempt to set fire to or burn, or assist in setting fire to or burning, any cross, symbol or emblem upon private property owned or occupied…
Owners of flamingos may not allow their pet to enter a barbers.
36.25.010 Prohibited; responsibility of animal owner. No owner of any animal or person having control of any animal shall allow such animal to enter upon any public premises where food for human consumption is sold, processed stored or consumed or to enter into any barber shops or establishments for the practice of hairdressing or beauty…