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A person must be eighteen years old to play a pinball machine.
SECTION 20-7-8915. Playing pinball machines. It is unlawful for a minor under the age of eighteen to play a pinball machine.
A railroad my not remove itself from a town of more than five hundred people.
Title 58 – Public Utilities, Services and Carriers CHAPTER 17. THE GENERAL RAILROAD LAW ARTICLE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS SECTION 58-17-160. Railroads shall not remove from towns of more than 500. In the exercise of the powers and rights conferred in this chapter no railroad shall remove its line of railway from any incorporated town of…
Railroad companies may be held liable in some instances for scaring horses.
Title 58 – Public Utilities, Services and Carriers CHAPTER 17. THE GENERAL RAILROAD LAW ARTICLE 27. SAFETY; NOTICE OF ACCIDENTS SECTION 58-17-3360. Electric hand lanterns shall be used in switching and moving trains. All railroad carriers shall equip trainmen in their employ engaged in switching and train movements in intrastate commerce in this State with…
Lifeguards must be present at apartment complex pools, but only after 11:00 PM.
Sec. 13-13. Restrictions on operation and use of residential apartment complex swimming pools. (a) Except as hereinafter provided, it shall be unlawful for any person to use, or for any person to operate or to keep open, any swimming pool on the premises of any residential apartment complex or building between the hours of 11:00…