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Persons with gonorrhea may not marry.
42-102 Minimum age; affliction with venereal disease, disqualification. At the time of the marriage the male must be of the age of seventeen years or upward, and the female of the age of seventeen years or upward. No person who is afflicted with a venereal disease shall marry in this state.
Margarine may not be substituted for butter in restaurants unless it is requested by the customer.
97.18(4) (4) The serving of colored oleomargarine or margarine at a public eating place as a substitute for table butter is prohibited unless it is ordered by the customer.
No person may water his lawn in such a way as to annoy his or her neighbor.
Sec. 70-153. Sprinkling of property. No persons shall, with purpose or intent, sprinkle their property in any manner to the distress or annoyance of others.
State Law made it illegal to serve apple pie in public restaurants without cheese.
Our research has shown this one wasn’t entirely true, but close. 1935 Laws of Wisconsin, Chapter 106 required serving a small amount of cheese and butter with meals in restaurants (eff. June 1935 – March 1937).
You are not allowed to put litter into someone else’s trash receptacle without express permission.
154-14 No person shall throw or deposit any litter into any litter storage and collection receptacle unless such person is the owner of said receptacle or has the express permission of the owner to use said litter receptacle.
Missiles may not be shot at parade participants.
Sec. 66-34. No throwing of objects during parade. No person shall throw or shoot any object, missile, spray or other solid, fluid or semifluid projectile by hand or any other means at any person or object along the route of a parade authorized under section 82-39 during the period from the beginning of the parade…